Database Management System Development  - IBM Egypt

A great Case study of successful outsourcing is software development. By leveraging DIS's expertise, successfully implemented the climate database management system. IBM project enhances forecast accuracy for Egyptian Meteorological Authorities, demonstrating the effectiveness of external collaboration.

About IBM Egypt

 IBM, a global software leader, needed a comprehensive climate database management system to provide accurate weather forecasts for Africa. With their expertise and experience, DIS was selected as the outsourcing partner to develop the application

ERP Challenges

  • IBM lacked a capable team in Egypt for the climate database management system.
  • IBM faced hindrances in developing the system for accurate weather forecasting
  • They needed a structured timeline for successful implementation.


  • DIS developed the system, using Java Enterprise and Leact, filling the capability gap.
  • DIS - TDS seamlessly integrated the system with IBM's high-performance computer, overcoming developmental challenges.
  • Collaborative efforts between IBM and TDS ensured a systematic implementation from requirements gathering to testing and integration


  • Team Capability Gap
  • Development & Integrations
  • Systematic implementation
  • Business targets achievement 


The partnership underscores the benefits of outsourcing in software development. Utilizing TDS's proficiency, IBM effectively deployed the climate database management system, improving forecast precision for the Egyptian Meteorological Authorities. This endeavor exemplifies the efficiency of external collaboration.

Success Rate   97%

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